Nomura Manroku (野村万禄)

Manroku NOMURA (1966 -) was born as the first son of Hanako, the first daughter of Manzo NOMURA, the sixth.

He studied under his grandfather Manzo NOMURA, the sixth and his uncle Man NOMURA, the first (name after retirement of Manzo NOMURA, the seventh).

Currently, he opens the door to the public including setting up training rooms in five prefectures in Kyushu centering around Fukuoka and is working for dissemination and education of Kyogen (farce played during a Noh cycle).

Brief Personal History

1973: He debuted in short dance 'Yukiyama' (The Snowy Mountains). 1977: First Shite (a main actor of a Noh play) in 'Shibiri' (The Inherited Cramp). 1987: Menbako hiraki (a well-trained actor performs a special programs with the permission of the grand master of the school, taking out the mask from the menbako, which is the box containing Noh masks, on the stage) in Noh play 'Okina' (an old man). 1991: Hiraki (a well-trained actor, whose skills reach a certain level, performs a special program with the permission of the grand master of the school) in 'Nasu no Yoichi katari' (interval kyogen katari narrative 'Nasu no Yoichi'). 1992: Hiraki in 'Sanbaso' (a dance dedicated to the shrine and performed as a Japanese-styled three dolls, Chitose, Okina and Sanbaso, operated by three doll handlers). 1995: Hiraki in 'Tsuri kitsune' (Fox Trapping). 1996: He received Excellence Award of Arts Festival by Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs for a new Kyogen 'Shinigami' (The Death-God). 1998: Hiraki in "Kanaoka" (Kanaoka, the Love Crazed Painter). 1999: He received Special Commendation Special Award of Cultural Properties and UNICEF Special Award for new Kyogen 'Akazukin' (Little Red Riding Hood) and 'Shirayuki hime' (Snow White). 2000: Hiraki in 'Hanago' (Visiting Hanago) and succession to Manroku NOMURA, the second. 2003: Hiraki in 'Kirokuda' (Six Ox-Loads of Wood).

[Original Japanese]